By Colleen Arbic and Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale
Eleven years! It’s been eleven years since The Soo Theatre Project, Inc. purchased its historic theatre building in the heart of downtown Sault Ste. Marie.
Thanks to generous donations of time and money, the old building has come to life. You have seen many people you know on the stage performing in superb productions: musicals, operas, and plays. It’s been an exciting decade plus!
But, it’s obvious the historic building needs some attention. And, if you are wondering where your donated money goes, STP has done some improvements:
The huge, to-the-ceiling block wall dividing the theatre into two movie spaces is gone as well as the wall blocking the stage. There is new, safe rigging over the actors’ and actresses’ heads holding scenery and stage lights.
New wiring is installed in the dressing rooms below the stage, in the second story projection booth, and in the front lobby. (Upgrading the lighting all over the building continues to be a priority.)
The lobby is significantly “spruced up”. The 1970’s paneling covering the plaster walls, as well as the suspended ceiling, are removed to reveal the original architectural features. Many gaping holes are filled, fresh paint is applied, and new light fixtures are mounted. (This lobby improvement project cost over $16,000 with volunteers doing most of the work.)
A small furnace is installed in the auditorium to keep the roof drains and the electronic equipment from freezing in our cold winters. A roof now covers the exposed walkway to prevent pigeons from roosting as they were making a big mess!
Obviously, it takes money to keep an old building operating. Much of what has been done isn’t visible.
The money spent on roofers, electricians, plumbers, and rigging specialists has been balanced with volunteers doing much of labor when possible. Many dumpsters have been filled with junk as room after room was cleared. It has taken many brooms, vacuums, dust mops, rags, and gallons of cleaning supplies and paint to bring the historic building to its current state.
So, if you have wondered where all the money goes – STP completed payments on the original purchase loan in 2003 and the list of needs in the historic building are endless, but being pursued each year.
However…drum roll, please!
The Soo Theatre Project is VERY excited to announce that it will have a comprehensive plan this year for the historic building and theatre and will be able to pursue funding for renovations to create large rooms for various classes, orchestra rehearsals, and choir practices. There will be rooms with sinks for art classes. More bathrooms! An elevator!
The renovations will include a new roof to support heating units so that the auditorium can be heated. This means STP performances all year long! All of this is very exciting because STP has been working for eleven years to keep its programs, classes, and performances going and restoring the building as best as it could. With a comprehensive architectural plan, STP can move forward and create a complete and comprehensive community arts center. All of the Eastern Upper Peninsula and our Canadian friends will benefit!
So, join us for all the wonderful artistic offerings at STP. Come dream with us regarding future renovations during the many upcoming 2014 performances! Please see for more information about classes and the 2014 performance season.