New Horizons Adult String Orchestra & Cantus Celli Spring Concert
Thursday, May 6, 7:00 on the Historic Soo Theatre Stage
Admission is free & open to the public
Donations are greatly appreciated!
Masks & Social Distancing will be observed
New Horizons Adult String Orchestras under the direction of Dottie Case and Maggie Twining present a spring concert on the historic Soo Theatre stage on Thursday, May 6 at 7:00pm. New Horizons is an international organization committed to encouraging adults to learn an instrument for the first time or to pick it up again after years of not playing.

Cantus Celli is a cello ensemble made up of participants who learned to play the cello as adults.
Music to be performed includes Vivaldi’s Spring, Handel’s La Rejouissance, Andante Festivo by Sibelius, a fiddle tune called Drowsy Maggie, Festival March, Entrance to the Queen of Sheba and more!
Come out for an evening of music!