2021 – Graduating Seniors Recitals

Monday, May 10, 7:00pm

Historic Soo Theatre Stage

Admission is by donation

Masks & Social Distancing will be observed


Eleanor Barbour, voice & violin
Faith Nayback, voice
Ellie Tielbar, cello

Each spring, the Soo Theatre highlights their graduating seniors with a recital.  Each student selects favorites or pieces from their current repertoire to play or sing for family, friends, and community members.  These students have often been a part of the Soo Theatre family for a number of years and this recital is the culmination of years of dedication and hard work.  We look forward to celebrating them and encouraging them as they head into their next phase of life.  

Come celebrate our seniors with us!

Eleanor Barbour
Voice / Violin

Ellie Tielbar

Faith Nayback